Climate change is the defining issue of our time – and we are at a defining moment.
António Guterres,
Secretary-General of the United Nations

Our starting point

Adopted by 196 countries at COP 21 in Paris in December 2015, the Paris Agreement’s goal is to limit the global temperature increase in this century to 2 degrees Celsius while pursuing efforts to limit the increase even further to 1.5 degrees.

In line with Bouygues Construction’s objectives, VSL is strongly motivated and committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

Our objectives

(in absolute value)
On Scopes 1 & 2

which includes our direct and indirect emissions from energy consumption

(in absolute value)
On Scope 3A

which includes upstream indirect emissions from supply chain to product distribution and installation

On Scope 3B

which includes downstream indirect emissions such as use of products and product disposal. Our reference figure is 146’500 TCO2e. This is the amount in tonnes of Greenhouse Gas Emissions that the VSL Group generated in 2021.

We have laid out a strategy to achieve our goal. Here is the plan!
Chapter 1
Reducing our own carbon footprint
# Scopes 1, 2 and 3A

Every year since 2019, VSL has calculated its carbon footprint on the basis of scopes 1, 2 and 3A, and has refined its scorecard at the end of 2020 with more complete and accurate data. Below are our findings:


The main finding of our 2021 carbon footprint calculation is that 95% of our emissions come from Scope 3a, meaning indirect emissions upstream. These emissions are mainly linked to strand and bar purchases. We have started to concentrate our efforts on this burning issue!

Our plan

  • Evaluate the carbon footprint of our products (Environmental Product Declaration). Depending on the EPDs, VSL will adjust its strategy for the technologies and supply chain.
  • Involvement of our purchasing department to map the global warming potential of strands from our main suppliers (by getting their EPDs or asking about the type of steel production.)


Based on the local Carbon Footprint assessment that was done in 2021, every VSL location, in 25 countries, has defined their own local strategy to reduce their carbon footprint and take action. Below is a glance into the good practices that our agencies have implemented!

Chapter 2
Reducing the carbon footprint of the structures we build or repair
# Scope 3B


Not only are we taking action to reduce our carbon footprint, but we also think that it is fully part of our role to imagine and propose solutions to reduce the carbon footprint of the structures we build or repair.

There are also solutions that we have proposed for a long time – some being specific to VSL, others being more widely sold on the market, but so far, they have never been studied under the angle of carbon impact. So, our experts have rolled up their sleeves and have compared various solutions to identify the most efficient ones.
Here are our findings:


Design and Build schemes are the key to study and propose the least-emitting materials fit for a structure construction project, hence reducing its carbon footprint. You can find below some projects where we have managed to make some material optimisations.


Chapter 3
Expanding our low-carbon economy portfolio

Reducing one’s carbon footprint doesn’t just stop after the project is complete. Our aspiration is that the structures we build and repair continue to contribute to a low-carbon way of living.

This is why we have set up the aim to generate 50% of our business in sectors in the low-carbon economy by 2027, namely:

  • The low-carbon transport infrastructure, which includes rail or other electric transport systems, as well as soft transport modes.

  • The construction of assets facilitating the generation, storage or transmission of net-carbon-zero energy, mainly nuclear and wind energies.

  • The repair and preservation of structures, that generate less carbon than a new built.

Below are our most recent projects related to the low-carbon economy:

of our business in sectors in the low-carbon economy by 2027

Thank you for reading!

This website was last updated in January 2024.

We hope this content has been informative and useful for you. We will keep it up to date as we continue to improve and take action to reduce our carbon footprint. We are just getting started and we are excited for our current and future progress!

Any thoughts you’d like to share with us on this topic? Reach out via the contact form below. We’re happy to discuss it further!

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