ground anchors



Industrial facilities ground anchors: What is at stake?

Ground anchors can be used for retaining a wide range of industrial facilities.

They are practical anchoring devices that create minimal soil disturbance during installation, and their versatility enables them to be used to retain and support industrial facilities, either permanently or temporarily, improving stability.

How VSL can help you

VSL’s capability in multiple geotechnical solutions makes it possible to offer the best and most cost-effective techniques for use both with new construction and for the extension of existing industrial facilities. Ground improvement, foundations or retention structures can be complemented by either permanent or temporary ground anchorages.

In order to optimize the design and adopt the best technical solution, VSL usually proposes preliminary anchorage tests on site at the industrial facility.

What are the VSL industrial facilities ground anchors solutions?

  • Preliminary geotechnical investigations
  • On-site installation of test ground anchors
  • A full design and build package for industrial facilities ground anchors

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