VSL udržuje, rekonstruuje a opravuje konstrukce tak, aby zajistila jejich spolehlivost a trvanlivost
Redukce CO2 v akci
Změna klimatu je aktuálním problémem dnešní doby. Ve VSL Czech Republic podnikáme konkrétní kroky ke snížení uhlíkové stopy na všech stavbách, na kterých pracujeme.

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Účast na akcích
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    VSL, as a Data Controller, uses your data in compliance with applicable laws and regulations on personal data protection. You can withdraw your consent at any time : see information here. You have the right to access and rectify inaccurate data about you and, in cases provided for in the regulations, to object to the storage of certain personal data and have such data deleted, to restrict the processing of data and to request portability enabling transfer to a third party. Find out all information in our Privacy Policy.